To stop scammer like my bro
He isn't named Andrew.
Lol totally. He is sitting in front of me reading a book.. And you don't talk like him at all
Lol it's been a scammer/hacker magnet since 2k14 when my bro became a savage. He has a hacker/scammer network that he owns and he broadcasted that...
Like my bro coronet
Lol true
No support-Reasons: Support Support Support You'd make a great candidate!
No support
Spelled "Zeus" wrong. Support. AND LOOK AT MY NAME :>.
My name xD. Named it after your map submission!
Ask a mod maybe to do it? Or buy the basket.
Ohhmygawrdddd supportt
Is that you??
Eww prin
oh i thought u meant secretly using it
u don't like mine :(
I mean oops i copy-pasted wrong thing. supports