You got lvl 900 yet?
Not necessarily always way too OP? It can be at times though, when there aren't any skilled humans.
No support; reasons stated by @SteveKitten. Also, I don't think they should be nerfed; rather, the sharpness should increase through every...
Shall this thread be reviven?
Revive from the ded
( •_•)σ *poke*
When you tie with the old record of 123 WPM but you delete the screenshot...
Nuclear outbreak weapons have been initiated, and location 69°00'00.0"N 69°00'00.0"W has been targetted and attacked by initiation of the cmd...
Poke wars with 2 mods o.o
Follow (:
Command compiled: 0 errors detected. Now directing all nuclear weaponry at point 69°00'00.0"N 69°00'00.0"W. Location: Baffin, Baffin Island, NU,...
Error detected: Insert a longitude number between -180 and 180. "420" is invalid.
Wii has stated the following cmd: "no" Activating 'nuclear outbreak'. Input location/coordinates below.
Aye, what's up?
*Wii has put 'No u' into action: "Nuclear Outbreak Unleashment".* T-30 seconds until the world ends.