Support just tone down the red its burning my eyes out :D
Um thats not a glitch you can use that to your advantage. Although you have to pay in game money for it, it just adds another element to the game....
I think that maybe donors could get a separate donor cape? Something just for fun, but nothing like the ones you get from minecon
No support
Couldn't have said it better myself we need a reset but I think that by allowing players to fill there inv/pv will make it less harsh. I think...
TP to Spawn = EZ Wins
I can't wait to try out the new maps and check out how the capes look (and possibly get one :D). Good stuff, keep it up!
I tried to buy it myself it is not for sale. To be honest getting a 501 or 502 is very hard now. Most of them are off the market and being used.
Same, lets make a club
You have to upload it to something like Imgur and then get the signature link unfortunately. It's kind of annoying but it will look good when your...
Neutral, Although it says you are an active member you have only posted 60 times. I think that you also need to add more information such as why...
To tell you I'm sorry for nothing that I've done
I'll donate up to 1 trillion on OP Prison depending on the item lost as I am fully aware of an items value.
I recommend checking out @TorchwoodRC's post on op prison ( It is very well made...
Support! I see you on all the time and you are a very well rounded person. Good luck :D
Sorry I have to much homework doing the week with school D:< I will probably be on mostly the weekends and Friday and occasionally during the week...
250 posts :D