Congrats everyone!
As many of you probably know, when you get stuck somewhere in certain servers such as OP Prison it will start to auto kick you instantly. The fix...
good luck :D
Ok so I tried it and the problem is you have to move before chatting any ideas? I'm able to get on mine chat but since I can't move I can't do /spawn
Thx for idea I'll try it out and let you know
Why wouldn't a tp to spawn work? This is annoying
Can a Moderator or something just manually do it for me?
So I might have to wait 24 hours?
Well if I try to buy it again it won't let me
I tped way to far out in the plot world on op prison, so I bought a free tp to spawn and it's been over 1/2 hour and I still can't join without...
Your ingame name: rpcraig The offender's exact ingame name: TheKingOfKings5 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ok so a...
No support, all of the above. Also minecraft logs don't count as proof because you can change them.
My IGN: rpcraig Offender's IGN: DragonFusionV Description: I was playing on OP Prison and DragonFusionV said he was doing upgrades and we agreed...
No Support because of the lack of any information. I'm always willing to change my opinion though and good luck! :)
Hope to see you soon! :D
You gotta get on op prison I haven't seen you in while :)
Love the profile pic
Hey when you get back let me know so I can get you a picture of my old elite sword. :)
Before this becomes a heated argument, which will only hurt your chances or help/unban, I suggest you make an appeal and honestly explain yourself...