My IGN: rpcraig Offenders IGN: DuckSlayer654 Description: DuckSlayer was avoiding the chat filter and using foul language against mcquade54 who...
Maybe they could do one game mode at a time so that any errors could be fixed before moving on to the next game mode.
Mine chat doesn't even work on certain servers such as for op prison for example because you have to move to type any command. If they changed...
I'll do that Edit: I have 2.8mil
My IGN: rpcraig Offenders IGN: Knightospheres So basically Knightospheres says you can sell your e-tokens for 25bil as you can see in the...
That hard 7th grade life *facepalm*
My IGN: rpcraig Offenders IGN: athansido So I was playing OP Prison and athansido got pissed off for no reason and said "fk rpcraig" in other...
I mean they are a thing, but when you throw them they don't give you the effect because they are disabled.
Make sure you wait in lobby for 5 minutes then join or else you will have to wait a day to buy it again.
I don't play survival, but on op prison we have a similar problem with /friends and /staff where people can get wither heads.
No Support. Your a new member and there isn't much information.
No support. Add more information, good luck though! :)
Congrats man!