Ik. But becuz depth3 prot4 kitpvp sux. If they remove that enchant im not supporting for remove
SUPPORT, but no support if they remove P4 and Depth
Becuz My name chsnges (3) i havent got tagged het xD
xCollin- One of my best friends (irl too) xLivi450x- My gf LastPopcornTime- Myself! My teams From infection- Thanks guys! My friend list- Awesome...
Can you watch my report (infection)
Your ingame name: LastPopcornTime The offender's ingame name: cheerchampion28 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Flying...
Sup(port) bruh!
Happy b-day :P, ily.
love that prof pic
no support
ohh sexyyy ur in bed with xxxvan
OKey, short and powerfull: THIS SERVER NEEDS HELP
no support. ur ignoring tomuch ppl
nice profile pic xD
wow... gg noobcrew and cyp, a Active Member maked this thread, earlier than you... let's make him the new owner with @xxxvan