i have 700k on survival if that counts. :P
I Support.... :D
I Support...Good Luck. :P
LIKE IF: Yelling ``STAY!`` at a non-living object that keeps falling over as if it`s going to listen to you -_-
I agree
Nice app, but needs a lot more detail...I Support :D
Congratulations to all the top voters of January. I hope I will be one of the top voters, but what do you get if your already [God]?
I was having some issues but, i can get on most of the time. I hope it work for you. :)
SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck :D
That's what i said...
It has been updated
As far as i know, yes.
Your ingame name: JamisMegatron The offender's ingame name: RoboRobin A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
I didn't make the warp i just went to the warp and got killed. -_-
Your in game name: JamisMegatron The offender's in game name: Diamond_smasher1 and Dillburger202 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
Support!!! But, need a little more detail. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Amazing App.. I support you %1000.Good Luck! :D
Wow Ares_Xena lol... DERP