Looks OK, although a bit more detail would be better :P Also if you haven't got a spell corrector on your computer, then Google one as there is a...
It did look like hacks, although not %100 the bit near the middle did look like kill aura but not sure. Thanks,
Evidence of hacking? You need photos / video. Also please use this layout Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what...
Hi guys !
I bought kit premium thinking that I would still have kit commander to do /kit commander with (Just changes name tag) but it deleted completely,...
Yeah, you need to wait until a moderator sees this but it will be a ban I guess ...
Uhm, If you want to become moderator use in this layout How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live...
Yeah I tried to hit him with arrows and was just like he had a shield, although still maybe of been glitch like maybe he jumped out spawn and...
I saw this person, he was near the old mine wasn't he ? I think it is a glitch but not totally sure and could be a hack.
[media]IGN:SlayerJr He kept logging in and disconnecting using the pressure plate, The last one was 9 minutes long and Sony Vegas is hard to use...
File says it all .. I was buying gold Ingots when he tped I did friendly sign (Obv) but he like 3 hit me and wouldn't let me hit him back .. File...