I love you NOW aD' AD./A D;A
Well summer is coming up. Here's my to-do list. Breathe Sleep Eat Repeat In no specific order. Comment yours below :D
My AISE has the good hair! Yo stank AISE cant affoRd no crusty Aise weave! YO edges iz missin! And u knoWz what? I aXed tyrone to comeand Have MI...
GURRRRL WHAT I TOLD YOU? you best belive that boy gonna beat you AISE beeFO he come home! Take his AISE to court and get yo self a new weave!
WAIIITTTT! CHILD SUPPORT must be an option. Take yo food stamps and RUN! do not let ShaunTaye try to take yo man, AGAIN! you Know that Babee aint yo's
You are beautiful. I will do what you ask.
Wow, this truly shows the author's purpose in the novel "Farenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury.
Dang savage
No support :/
No support, :(
No support, Not enough info.
No support.
Sorry that was my dog, he promised to pet me if I let him play.
No support, big fonts don't deceive us. Not enough info.
No support, not enough info.
No support. Why did you list the game rules? Lol?
Neutral :) Haven't really seen you on other servers, be more active on all?
no support lol