IGN (In-Game Name): itchynosehair Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): itchynosehair#1329 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 3 Proof of...
IGN (In-Game Name): itchynosehair Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): itchynosehair#1329 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 2 Proof of...
IGN (In-Game Name): itchynosehair Discord Name and Tag (i.e Name#0001): itchynosehair#1329 Task Number (i.e for Day 1, you write 1): 1 Proof of...
I normally don't read "long-winded messages of advice" out of fear of getting lost in my own thought, or worse the point being obfuscated by the...
a moment of silence to the dead memories. cherished as memories might be, reliving the past is maybe worst than death (trap?) itself? rebirth...
thank you, and congrats the other top voters :)
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: itchynosehair The offender's exact ingame name: do not...
is this capped? I'm not seeing this accumulation currently, how to check?
still feel claims need to expire on a map that's only 20k x 20k perhaps more coding than its worth, if a player has logged a certain number of...
good question, how does giving /trust to a more active player alter the expiration if at all?
if a person isn't active enough, or has abandon/left the server then claim expiration is a good thing. The bit thats troublesome, is being...