go back to the same exact area
That moment when your in an RPG and an NPC tells you to travel really far and get an item, then returning only to find the NPC tell you to
I already spent 1 hour on the detail, what more do you people want! Secondly, I already know my way around the forums, I have been on multiple...
Tagged Dyna-Mighty to close the 1st one, thx for the reminder.
New application made, I spent 1 hour on it so I hope you guys will reconsider the hate. Here is my new and MUCH more detailed...
This Moderator Application has been erased and is no longer up for debate, creating the best one I can possibly ever make.
Stay around for a year? Lol dude I've been on this server since 2013.
Ok Mods please lock this thread I am going to make a new one since I have a lot of time with MUCH more detail.
Already said no reason to put NO SUPPORT anymore, I 100% know I'll be rejected from all the hate.
I can already assume I 100% wont make it from all the hate it's been getting. So I'm assuming when they review it its denied. Why do I even try...
Alright, did not know that :P
Lolz I was all for Gravity Falls until it ended :P
Show it. I haven't been on the server since 2014. Plus I just came back do you think I remember such a small thing?
I'm not! I don't remember anything about that. Don't spread untrue rumors. Plus wheres your proof?
I didn't? Where are you getting this from? I swear I said nothing about unbanning my friend. I have no banned friends dude. Whats so funny?
Come on, I don't need to be well known. It may seem necessary but a mod is a mod that can take action no matter by how many people he/she is known...
Yes, I know that but I have had experience in that field and do not need to be active on every single forum to know what I'm doing on some. Trust...
Ok I shall now go get 100000000 Senpais to notice me.
I do not need to be active on the forums in order to be good at being staff, I have just made a return people. If this gets rejected I will make a...