My favorite flavor is Ghost Pepper Gumballs.
Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions feel free to ask me or if they involve server issues contact one of the staff! Trust me they are...
I kinda don't agree with this, Mod apps are no joke, they are serious business. I know you want to have fun but please don't make it about serious...
Oh ok, understood.
#MerksForPresident #WayBetterThanTrump
Support, if not already Mods and above should also have creative with /v on factions and such, not for raiding or abuse but in-case a hacker has...
Too much op XD. I agree the gear does need balancing so you got my Support for the nerfing.
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to ask me, or if it includes problems with the server...
Anything you would like me to add? I will be happy to add them when I get the chance :)! Do you mean No Support? If so any reasons and anything I...
If you wanna see me I will be on Saturday around 5pm on factions. Look forward to seeing you if you can make it :).
Lacks detail, consider looking at accepted applications and using them as a sort of guideline like I did, but do not copy them. Make yours unique,...
No, meaning on Earth.
Your bunny profile reminds me of my dead bunny fluffy that was so cute so long ago :). So many good memories.
Support, although if you want a higher chance you should add more detail, I like how its unique however and uniqueness is a big decider for me.
You can't blame yourself, some people are way worse in this world.
I didn't join on the forums in 2014 because I was 11 and did not know of the forums at the time, and now that I think about why I didn't sign up I...
Lol if your out of ideas then try making it stand out in other ways that you think is best, decided after a while that you did put a lot of effort...
I mean uniqueness as in use some designs that make you stand out from the others, I have seen a few but it seems like if you add more you will...
Neutral, I kinda wanna see more uniqueness in your app, I've seen some of your designs on many applications. However some are new to me and seem...
Support, you seem like you put a lot of detail in it, but please change it to darker colors as other people might have a hard time reading it.