He doesn't take anyone seriously, have you not read his other answers? Lmaoo
okay sorry
Your answers remind of a magic 8 ball's answers.
Happy birthday mate :)
That's exactly what I've been spreading too lmaoo
2 late
Just so everyone knows, this is alex pre-filter, sorri for exposing u alexa
Hip hop attire
When you get what you want, but not what you need.
Alrighty, that's probably who I would choose actually
Idk who I'd choose, you?
I also think what h3h3 did was scummy, he just kept betraying his friends for drama to get views
Very true tbh
Eh, he didn't know he was autistic otherwise he wouldn't have done it. But I think Leafy's fan were being complete cancer to the guy by sending...
Yep, me too, we all play it in school together now. xD
Oh damn, I just keep going back and forth from 1.1k to 1.3k, it's like a void - but i'm so addicted, I can't stop playing lmao
Leafy, if I had to pick a side. But I think pyrocynical summed up the drama best in his video.
Oh cool, how many trophies do you have?