Alright this is fair. Thanks for the info
lmao ok... thats all i'm going to say cause i don't want to use violent language in front of 8 yr olds.
yes i am but mods said thats allowed @Lola Perez as long as the mods i use don't affect the pvp outcome i can use it
This will be the last time i reply to you cause i lose brain cells with you. where am i hacking?
[media] Me, SpeedyNinjaz, and Cosmic vs zTiatinPvP, MaxEhu, and zStrafe. New texture pack that i'm working on. No where near done.
@ShovelMcYT needs to learn his place all he does is go through all the threads and post negative stuff.
Lmao i didn't rip it off and to make it easier for you i started this pack with Nylons Edit pack you will see that i kept the gui and thats all....
Thank you for the information anything else you want to add?
You literately just go around bringing to peoples threads just stop we don't care about your opinion.
Just to clarify all the texture packs I and Speedyninjaz have made our originals We change almost all the entities, blocks, sky, and particles....
lmao ok when you find the texture pack folder and its original name lmk.
If i didn't make it then who is deziplez?
[media] Wont be replying to negative comments or hacks accusations. I don't make any money out of this... why would I post a video of me hacking...
I made a Media Fire to this texture pack so just message me if you'd like it. Only giving it to 5 people.
Your mad cause i just killed you in the game.
Next time i post a thread i'm disabling comments. If thats even possible
You see i dont understand do you just go hating on everyones videos? I use nametags and health hud that isnt hacking.
lmao if im about to die and i threw only one
Again to much bitching and complaining. New video soon.
No more thread to much b****ing ill post another later