im not that sure do /help in skyblock but that might be your problem
you put this app in the wrong spot sorry cant support you this is in the wrong spot this is not a mod app
thanks this means the world to me skydiver27
right there are two tpes of lag one server lagg that will only take you back to when the server started laging two fps you comtper could sometimes...
well you skyblock could be under a desert biome what means snowgolems die the the desert you can F3 to check (before every was removed there...
very nice two of them! support !!!
tonight for sure ill will fix it
50 done
yeah i cant fix it but i turned it off just saying im only 13
thats what happened to me i thought a made a bobo
wow i didnt no that lol
Sorry talking to loinman
Your mean to people in kit pvp
No support
Do you not see the two bow animations when the arrow fires
The mods are going to love me lol
Your ingame name: river102102 The offender's ingame name: Ollexxx A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacks fast bow...
Your ingame name: river102102 The offender's ingame name: prust2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:fast bow hacking...
Your ingame name:river102102 The offender's ingame name:jamesssss A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:hack(fast bow and...