I love you. <3 Don't hate me for that.
I am a sick person so I can't be that. :(
Thank you Janice <3
More support. <3
Aw Thanks I hope that too. <3
Aww Gracias Que lindo eres <3
I would like to be a nurse if I could.
Aww You are an extraordinary young man I love you dearly as my friend.
Me podrias prestar 200$ para comprarme un pico de diamante ?Encontre un warp que vende herramientas de diamante bien baratas. :D
Remove me from here please. :P
Take that from your information. Girl you are not ugly. What makes you think that?
I just need 8 blocks to make an enderchest. Say your price below. Thanks.
I wish I have your mouth. You sure know what to say to people :D.
People I like most on here: @thorraks @WolfBane @StrKillr and Ponyknight99. :p
Hola :D Dormiste bien?
Sorry. No support.