lets get tankin!
Yes, remove kb sticks, could care less when it comes to a kill scoreboard
finally, logic.
I'll get ya a strawpoll
The problem is, most of us don't care about vulgarities in someones name. "Responsibilities." you can't do anything but wait 30 days to change...
That's not what I understand he point of this is, yes I do believe profanity and sexual reference should be filtered from public chat, but I do...
So stopping people with inappropriate names from talking in chat on one minecraft server cleans children's vocabulary? Howaboutno
That's not even that inappropriate of a name...
ily more Hola No pls Washup
Aye Sky! :^)
God forbid o snow :^) Heya friendo :)
I put system32 on a flashstick... rekt
http://gyazo.com/81d757594c70e4a756d9aa0e0d22a0a1 http://gyazo.com/7b2e70ee91e69ca8c3eae54b1c26f432 lol Anyways welcome, I'm Onion (if you...
You've made a billion of these threads, if you're gonna leave just leave.
you shouldve changed your new account to xoxotoxicgirl it's available now ezgg
Then come on kohi and we'll see jennycrack