Add some more information, but if I may say... You were more respectful in the past, but if you have changed for the better then that's great!...
No support
no ok no never no pls no never no pls no plsplsplsplzpls no
Amen to Ip Man! Wing chun ftw :D
Show me more
Your avatar reminds me of zStrafe when he was first diagnosed with herpes
I've been waiting for this for a long time. Supporttt!
SAO was alright, support. I'm working on an SAO resource pack that might be able to be used for something like this.
$10 :P
I know, but some treat it as a fact.
who're you
never said you weren't on just that i never saw you :p
i never saw you in 2013 lol
Homophobia is disgusting.
Ok good I thought this was gonna be another thread about adding some crappy anticheat to MV
Thanks for teh follow :^)
Lion / ohnoe / mastertuckerks on kit Ringo / blaze / xoxo on op Keep in mind I'm only naming people who still play actively
You of all people suggesting this lmao
lol, no.
Support, good luck!