I can assume this counts as a part of the server, as this was created for the server, but meh. Recently, I started a minigame (approx 27 days...
Only 2 ranks? Cmon cyp u can do better. I'm not zeus, but srsly m9? p.s.s.s.s.s.s. make the next rank 1 quad I want mc_pvpwarrior's money GON
Idek. He must be punished.
Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support. Support....
Didn't realise it was ur (Happy) B-Day! Sos for being blind Have a nice birthday :)
WTF I THOUGHT CYP WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GONE BUT NO OF COURSE NOT [IMG] https://gyazo.com/72a6fb7498b0287756e6fb25db1484c6 HOWEVER, I SAW HIM...
Ty for banning cypriotmerkz. He was hacking and we didn't like it
CypriotMerkz was seen hacking. Proof that he isn't a mod, is that he is a A rank with titan. Not mod rank. ban pls
Asura ; Soul Eater Anime
Any more appeals?
Oh right. Fair enough. Pretty sure a set of e. black leather costs like 4-5tril edit: I just realised you're levis
Ban appeal accepted. Next unban requires 4.875Trillion Realm Dust. Do not abuse the skype chat.
How did you get hacked? If you got hacked, that's your own fault. It's not like security questions are in short supply. Just curious, what kind of...
What rank are you? When I was X/Y rank, I did something like this, and it was abused pretty badly so I stopped within a few hours. I recommend you...
Read the edit :3
To appeal, you must be atleast K rank on OPPrison, and must follow the same form as a usual appeal. Thank you. Edit - If no one understands this...
Support - I'm a Z and get 11-13bil, I would need 11000+ tickets and I would have to win to equal that. With a 1-hit-pick, that sure isn't happening.
How will that get me banned?