Burned all of my old alphas
I burned all my picks, sorry.
I'm selling old lycs and 501s old lycs i'll sell for 8tril each 501s i'll sell for 28tril each
gratz on experience points +1000 Exp MrPronounce evolved into wierdteenagershow
rom palettes take forever to adjust look at Cool or Cruel and Colon|Three
edit my smw rom palettes please :)
Unfortunately, my computer is being an arse and i have to look for an updated driver. Do you know how long it will take for my opprison stuff to...
Your ingame name: lapfuwong The offender's exact ingame name: SithKitten07 + _Derpper_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
I don't have access to /pv 2
Heh the amount i've spent on minecraft is insane. Ontopic though, ^ above is correct
It works on OpPrison, but idk about other servers You can do ".back" instead of "/back" and the no-2-command limit is removed, it might tell you...
Good luck with that, sounds like a drag.
Alright. I've probably joked around about this before, but I'm going to be 100% honest about this now. Staff get hate. We all know this. But we...
it k... *wipes tear*
Teh Devs Hav Spoke! But seriously, the developers already have a crap ton of work to do. I know that rank resets are/is a big problem(s) but...
i thought i said no h8... i cri
Tanks M8 I r8 8/8
ty 4 the b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8 pls
We get pv2 as well? Holy crap I didn't know that