I haven't had meat in like half a year but chicken because it's good !
okay Random for demote to owner then ??
okay then Random for demote to admin I support.
I love joking too!
it's opposite day right ??
yes and that's obviously enough experience to administrate a server about 7x bigger than the server I moderate!!
why doesn't Mineverse have these "person4demote to admin" threads because there needs to be one for you!!!
support why is dis man not mod ??
I AGREE and promote me too thx!
wow same ogm we are twins ??
support, I don't play Mineverse often but whenever I go onto Prison I see you online & you're really kind. good luck !! : ))
get staff manager or whatever it's called pls thx.
also congratsumalatations on seven months and a day!!
you bettr!! I have 2 months of experience !!
promote me to admin ??
you are vegetarian?? wow not surprised since you're the Lorax and all but !!
who is dis woman ??
SUPPORT because I feel every post I make will get this rating !!
where'd you go boi ??
no !