what the h*ck smh???
happy 8th birthday you are old !!
support because I dislike when teamed players kill me and then I get salt !!
where is @BOss???
you okay? : (
#gayramen !
that's a beautiful profile picture, considered going to art school??
Gracias. ; ) tea is for mugs! don't recall ever banning anyone under that name, rip. There's a first for everything. (( (( ( ( ( ; ; ;; ; ;;...
anything helps!
no u !
just ranked up to C on Prison so if anyone wants to give me a small loan of 100k hmu.
pls don't mock me that's offensive !!
! hi.
pescatarian but same thing basically ya know ??
should I change my name to GalaxyBlueMoon now ??
pls no hate. : (
YIs I know I just haven't had it in a while but I still prefer it !!