It's not going to stop having immature applications though. Age doesn't equal maturity; yes I can see where you're coming from, but honestly it's...
yo if you can, one of me and @Blurted together. her in-game name is Blurted, mine is Mangues. (if you wanna namemc us! !!)
can't wait to get nothing on Valentine's Day!!
verify my Teamspeak identity so I'm admin !!!
lower my self-esteem! !!
whAT ?!??
People already get upset enough because some just check profiles to see if they're still being followed. It'll just just add onto the drama there...
happy birthday & you're pretty okay bye!!
yum. cheesy gordita!!! (@Blurted you better say yum.)
no I am!! I'm being catfished.
oh dang time to start asking Benko for money so I can make a gang!!
no problem!
I'm toastsexual for you!!
@Blurted is now male so !!
Ellie !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Blurted has quite a the look!
warm toast.
Your ingame name: Mangues. The offender's exact ingame name: Th3Grim. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I got on Prison to...