Of course :>
Apple or Android and why?
Build a puppy maybe
I feel so malnourished and short
Because they don't have anything better to do...
Pup is true. However much you hate someone, they're still a human being, and human beings deserve some respect.
Those chickens ate my crops. Heat up the deep fryer
I'm asking for help here not experiences
Any help?
IGN: gilly330 Skin art, thank you
As the title suggests, I would like to create a thread about this issue, and how to solve it. I went to BigBadW0lf16's plot and I crashed and went...
Could a sr mod help tp me out of a crash plot? ;-;
Who are the sr. mods?
Surge, could you check out creative because apparently BigBadW0lf16 is crashing people
Hydrollium. And today it's BigBadW0lf16 is crashing people
I tp'ed to a crash machine, I've purchased a tp back to spawn but it just logs me out of creative and back into lobby. Help anyone?
Avatar updated to airbus a380, my favourite aircraft
That's better than walking 10 kilometres in midday sun for national day