Once a hacker... always a hacker in my books
Definitely NO support from me... I find you to be an arrogant suck up.. whom let us not forget had a alt which you used for hacking :l Apparently...
He could be going on about the other report which you got banned for. Tho you won a ban appeal.. idk anyway still a joke
you *
Im on now and Swift is going on about how he banned you. Finding life saying she hates.. So ridiculous :l
What a joke.. Who banned ya.. Swift by any chance ?
I am :p
And no I don't do drugs :p
Haha XD I try to bring what was said in this scene into the Bw games. It being 'I bring you love'. Doesnt always happen tho xD
"Pokes Sando with a Kb Stick" :p
Hey Lyrics
Ello :DD Heard about you and Swag ... I feel for you both :(
Hi Swagagaga :DD