What is wrong with you people :p
Eww gross.. Chicken is just amazing on its own :p
Most likely xD
It's so much effort tho xD
No support
Fair point..
Agree with Swift on this.. Just a quick question tho... Are each of individual games on mini-games recorded? (Either through what is said.. or...
Congrats on being Mod :D
Ur ign - XxPipGirlxx Hacker/person ur reporting : twerkasaur Reason : Death threats Evidence:
Perhaps you should concentrate on your own statues as I'm sure the term 'hoe' is considered bad language...
Where is the bad language in this?
Why is chicken so god damn good?!?! <3
Who can blame them, in the sad world we live today. Im surprised not everyone in the world suffers from it... I wish you all the best Toggles xxx
Glad someone can appreciate it.. Good old Mr Burns xD
Thank you <3
Thanks :D
You should they are just as good :D
Fallout 4 is so good <3 Have you played fallout 3 and new vegas?