@Rockerz is my main man @PopIs_MyLife my buddy from the big block in the sky @Gemmalove is a q t
Locked my .net app :'I
Been extremely ill over these few weeks, sorry for the inactivity (>o<)
Thanks For The Follow Bender of Fire ;)
@theman8775 [spoiler] http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/6172011274436608/xrosmage [IMG]
@Firo3000 [spoiler] http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/6042200048664576/Firo [IMG]
Novaskin has a really cool feature where all it takes for me to get a players skin is for me to type in their IGN
@XOXO [spoiler] http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/6350141150724096/xoxotoxicgirl [IMG]
Omg m8 what happened xD http://goo.gl/CTkdPZ
@Zero_Inzanity [SPOILER] http://gyazo.com/a2092726587ab390411da0b037231bb6 [IMG]
@BO$$ [SPOILER] http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/5603818776559616/Sticstar [IMG]
Don't worry about it, I did say that if anyone has multiple requests, I will tend to their needs. I gotta keep my word :D
@Muss2209 [SPOILER] http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/5294984103198720/SubZeroFinest [IMG]
His head or his hat??
@Grayson [SPOILER] I decided to give your skin some shading in the clothing just to make it look a bit nicer...
Gratz Ratchet :3
Here, sorry I couldn't give a link, Won't let me post to my gallery [ATTACH]