IGN: JKEb Player's IGN: IWantFriends Rules broken: Hacking-Phasing Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/aOoFo
My IGN: JKEb Offender's IGN: zKytrox Rules broken: Hacking, Anti-Knockback Evidence: [MEDIA] (About 7 seconds in)
I dont have any screenshots... it was over a year ago when I decided to quit Minecraft for a while. Can't Mineverse check payments or something?
Hey, long time no talk. A while ago, (A real long time ag0), I bought VIP on my account, JKEb. Then an update came out for Minecraft that allowed...
And I have told you this before, he told me, whether he denies it or not, he added it because he was annoyed YOU WERE NOT THERE How would you even...
Naw, really? The rule is added??? That might be the reason I left. Way to state the obvious. Gg.
When have "Simple rule" Did you earn prestige 6? No. This was a MAJOR change to the game (to the people who EARNED it) Gg.
I love how you say "Gg" but you are in no position to say that. "A reply makes you stay" Yeah I'm never getting back on the server and I don't...
I also stated that I would only reply if you did, so here I am. I specifically remember asking you why this rule was enforced, and that was your...
That was Topmass22, not me.
I feel YOU should learn what you're talking about, you weren't on Mineverse when I was talking to Terrick. HE SAID that he made the rule because...
You said to me, the rule was enforced BECAUSE YOU FOUND IT ANNOYING Very mature to change the rules because you found it annoying, especially...
Also, seeing as Topmass was banned, I am guessing you cried to Cyp AGAIN :asshat::lol:
Terrick, are you p6+? If not, stop going back to "It's a simple rule" Saying you find it hilarious how I am quitting because of you means you are...
1. You don't get sarcasm (?) 2. It isn't a simple rule. Period. Look at the poll at the top of this thread. 3.You find it hilarious how I am...
Oh yeah, instead of me converting ranks let me just give him my 27$ account. Terrick, you are the reason I am quitting so just stop -,-
Think whatever you want, I'm not changing my mind.
"Minor" I have worked a long time to get to p6, then when I do, the rule strictly limits my perks. It isn't minor.
Here is the information I got from chat proving this is a scam, no need to read the whole thing. [17:36:40] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [maxamul...
@CypriotMerks Can you please look into this?