I don't know you but congratulations.
I have no idea who you are but congratulations.
Indeed. It feels weird not having the Mod title or permissions here too. :p
Aw. What's wrong with your account? I can try to help.
How could you get confused between both of my profiles? I have way more positive ratings on Skyblock and if I were demoted, I wouldn't have the...
Woah. PC specs?
Owners @TheSugarCane Co-Owner @HkTV Admin @MusicCentral Forums Admin @CypriotMerks Head-Mod @Lemonade Mod @Entity @Slifkin Trial Mods Kres (He...
Is he unstalkable?
Welcome to the forums. c;
Ew. It's someone I've seen on net before. :t
I didn't even realise I wasn't following you. :o
You're welcome. ;p
Ew. It's a net TNub. :t
Hey. c:
So was I. I was really weird...
You were so young back then. ;o So many colours too! Also, WOW. You got Mod the day I joined the Skyblock forums.