You know I support anyway bye
Maybe bumping this doesn't improve your chances
A:pointless Q:How many legs does green have?
A:chicken! Q:What does red look like?
Can you get rid of this post it made another one
A: hamburger Q: what does yellow sound like
This game is quite simple you just give an answer than ask a question eg: A: (answer previous question) Q: (ask new question) this game is fun...
Max don't hate
If it is worth it...
Jadey I will buy it for her
Your in game name: shmanderson Offenders in game name: CodyS9959 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cody was swearing and...
It could be a glitch maybe...
No support and you need to do the format ya ya
And you lie I looked on the mineplex forums and where are you to be seen as mod... That's right noware
Sorry but no support Good day
How can you do it on world edit?
This happens too me all the time