Thank you shireen :D
No support. Reasons stated above.
You have my full support. :D
No support, is this a joke/troll app? Also I had seen you hacking on prison I'm pretty sure.
No support, I suggest adding more detail.
I only just enabled F2a today :D
Its fine.
I currently have F2a enabled
I currently have f2a enabled right now.
No support, you copied someone's moderator application.
You have my full support. ReCreateThis
Support, though needs more information.
I have edited my moderator application, I now have 2FA enabled as of now.
Thank you for your feedback, I have edited this application. -ReCreateThis (Gabe)
Trust me this application is not copied at all, feel free to believe that since I cannot force you to.
Hey guys its ReCreateThis (AKA: theXboxcoolguy85/Gabe) and today I will be posting a moderator application. It has been awhile since I have done a...
poke back ;-;