Wolfie = wolf, a wolf Is dangerous, hackers are also dangerous (in minecraft.) There is a hacked client called wolfram. OMFG WOLFIE IS CONFIRMED...
Wouldn't a random ninja not be stealthy?
Oh look, its hydroSURGE http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=270378&type=card
You are a part dinosaur, part duck? Wow I can imagine the duck song starring you XD
To sloth, or not to sloth. That is the question -Will.i.am Slothspeare
Neutral, until @Cosxtte gives a link to proof that you copied, I will stay neutral. Leaning towards support though. Have a great day -ReCreateThis...
Ok, thanks for the information, I will try to be active on every server.
Nanurz i need you to remove some signshop signs for me in prison, im online rn
Thanks guys, I used to be active on op prison but kind of stopped so I will try be active on Op Prison and I will also try be active on kit pvp
GL on your application then. :D
I suggest there should be a post on the forums about what lowers your chances of becoming a moderator on mineverse and what doesn't because some...
@Poseidon yes I was just asking if it would, sorry.
I mean as a reply to your own thread not to anyone else's reply
Does tagging a mod in your own application lower your chances? I haven't done It but i saw someone else do it.
I think that lowers your chances, don't quote me on that though.
Thank you for your feedback jackflexy123
Full support, also this doesn't matter though but I just love how the application looks! 10/10! -ReCreateThis
I have reported some hackers on mineverse, prison specifically.