Sorry guys, was busy with stuffs, I'm back (kinda)
New signature if you didn't notice =3
I disagree. Though its your own opinion, it would save more time mining for titans since it takes a really long time to mine and sell since we...
I suggest that there should be a mining filter command for Elite and above. Since those who have donated for the rank Elite and above it should be...
@BlackZone please lock this thread. Thank you. -ReCreateThis
When can you get on?
Imma try this :D
100% support!! I quit cause it got really boring and mainly the lag
Today in a trade i got ripped off and lost my old lycoan pick , so I was hoping that I could buy a 501 or old lycoan pickaxe (clean) from anyone....
omg yes i am!
Hey guys, sorry if I've been offline lately, I had been to a funeral just recently, so I cant really be active that often because I have to be...
Oh lol :tearsofjoy:
#RipPigmenGrinding (Prison)
#BringBackPigmenGrinding let it trend :D if not then #RipPigmenGrinding
Thank you all for your feedback, even just seeing replies to the thread makes me happy! :D
Thank you @Andrewswj for your feedback, I am currently trying to be well known, but I am active on the forums just to let you know.
@Wolfie you may want to take a look at this....
I am an mtg player. I am addicted to the game so I know 75% about all the cards in the game!!