Hi, ToastyStrafe1! So first off the cape problem is being experienced by lots of members, this problem is slowly being fixed but a majority of...
Support I've been watching you in game a lot lately you've been more mature and helpful from what I have seen, I do not know if you are active on...
I play a few game modes but thanks for the reply!
My Name is: StarQueenAlexia Offenders Name: TBNRSkywalker Rule broken: This player has broken the rule of hacks. This player is using a reach...
My in-game name: StarQueenAlexia The rule this player broke: Hacking/ no knockbacks my evidence: [MEDIA] just a short recording of him...
I feel my application length is fine just because it's not all about your personal life it's about the template they give you which i kept it...
I support but i think you need to learn more about how everything works with the rules and game rules (:
your welcome, thank you (:
I understand now.
I have tried a few i just really don't like the others.. :\ I guess i don't mind bedwars i just prefer skywars and survival (:
StarQueenAlexia's Moderator Application Before you read my application, I’d like to start off by saying, "My application may not be the...
that was your job not mine
hit me up if anyone wants to talk, really bored..
i don't mind emoji's but when that's the only thing someone replies with to you and they won't ever talk back then that makes me annoyed.
what don't you understand?
hmm? If you don't like this then don't comment. Just taking up space lol
So i believe the only thing that truly makes me mad, the only thing that really makes me mad "my trigger." Is when you are having a conversation...
yess lol