Your welcome. and lol.
Eddie you are not the only one having this problem, CypriotMerks is working on fixing this. This issue has how ever been fixed for lots of members...
has this been solved as an error or an actual ban? If it's an actual ban he needs to appeal it
just email [email protected] then. Only the owner can fix this for you.
If it says "next rank: None" Then there are no more ranks for this yet.
Thank you, reasons you probably don't see me is because of different time zones.
I play 6 game modes that's actually a lot of game modes. I am very active i play 14 hours a day of mineverse, i'm on constantly helping players...
Added a few more details that are beneficial to the application that i have forgotten to mention.
Do as they said that is all you can do. Just email [email protected] and provide them with "Full" Screen Shots "non cropped" Showing you had...
This can't be fixed if there are no more current levels after the last one you have completed.
I would assume so.
just saying hi! I'm going to bed have a good night <3 it's storming here so gonna try and sleep! lol
haii <3
No ones getting off topic this is still related to this users Application i am letting another user know What to really look for when reviewing an...
well if this was based off looks then he certainly wouldn't get the position. How ever this is not. You judge the templates based off how active...
No Support I'm sorry. You need to be way more active in games and forums and it just looks like you are only concerned with banning players who...
Reports isn't the #1 reason have you read this by any chance? How to judge an applicant: How helpful is this player? How active is this player?...
my reasons were also stated i thought i was only supposed to post 2 game modes that i play, i've edited a little and have said before i play more...
Never seen me do a report? For one you can't view player reports and 2. I report players a lot