Bump :)
4 (Four)
No support.
2 /mute @Bexrs :cool:
No support. More description about why you are qualified to take the position.
Support :)
I ask, as the majority of the Mineverse Forums, HOW ARE WE LOSING TO THE STAFF??!?!??!?! 1........ O_o
Support, seem like an experienced, mature person. Also pretty active on forums.
Support. :)
Four How are we losing when the majority of forum users are non-staff members? This is so embarrassing... :(
No support, stay more active both on forums and in-game.
No support, I don't think you're ready for this position. Reasons stated above.
Support, awesome map with great details and the necessary features to make a good infection match.
One of the most innocent and best love songs. goo.gl/cfJmfn
Changing my mind, I'm leaning towards a support because I just realized your reputation and passion for Mineverse. But your app still seems like a...
Did Mineverse create a Christmas themed lobby map? If no, then this suggestion is still relevant.
Just a short, quick suggestion. Being totally honest, Mineverse lobbies, both old and new maps were always fantastic, as they were made by...