ayyo he did it to me too your not the first
I tried hard with reporting this template tried sorry.Couldn't screen it. As for the part if I'm unbanned I'll wait 15 hours if it doesn't work...
Dear Staff, Today I got online for a while when a player told me to tp to them so I did I was low on health he punched me 3 times now you'd think...
I tried to post a person whom was selling lava and obsidian that had a sign that did say "griefing stuff" but now I don't know if it meant what I...
Hello once again moderators and members of mineverse,today the same day I posted another thread that cheetahswimmer helped to deal with.The same...
Just the other day (though I am kinda late on this)Valentina99 was one of the people in mineverse who thought she got away with saying the...