It has come to my way or another...that mineverse needs a better anticheat... Now usually this wouldn't be too much of a probably...
Please, just do it xP I do it when I'm bored because it takes FOREVER to figure something out....what about you? Just chill whenever you can...
I am hated by a good bit of I guess the word is "older" mineverse players, and I want to clean my record by making an "apology" letter and a...
Hello Mineverse! Recently, I have had thought on leaving and I decided I will. Due to my ever-so hated past, I am hated throughout mineverse,...
Lol hey guys how's things going?
Also this is on Survival sorry I forgot to mention
YT_J3PxRomanAge1 is the new username of Kronos_AresYT
Dear Staff, On Survival,I tried to do /warp and it showed up /warp <name> I was trying to go home but I had so many builds I set home on a place...
Just remember don't advertise servers :P XD good day guys.
I advise you follow what I said maybe play on some other servers while you wait.And if you are back on congratulations!!! :D
Ok so if you still haven't gotten out of there read this: I was once trapped in a corrupted chunk and had died in it I wait a while and it mighta...
I have 2 things I need him to read.Based on the same thing.
Hey NoobCrew I need you to look at the thread I posted one or the other would be fine but it is extremely important for survival people and may...
Hello Staff, I have tried for 2 weeks straight to get on survival on Mineverse I tried Minechat I tried buying free trip to spawn but I was dead...
Ok so I have a phone but if it goes on there will it still help my computer get back on survival like TADS said?
I don't have a smartphone or android device so what do I do for a computer?How can I get back on for my laptop?
Will it help if I died in the corrupted chunk?
I have no idea how to do that I am sorry I don't know how to get on Minechat.If you can help reply again.
Dear Staff, A week ago I was put in a corrupted chunk and I can't get out.I tried to buy my basket but then I found out I died in the corrupted...
Dear Staff, I was kicked last night to a player named "Sombro" and I bought the "Free trip" and waited 12 hours.I'm still not unbanned it might be...