I've went on KitPvP and suddenly me and some other players cannot hit players? I do not have proof sadly but it's not lag, a lot of other people...
Hello! Fellow friends! I've got a problem with my Minecraft. Whenever it is day time for me the sky keeps flashing dark then light Example:...
Bantz Legion_Hossin Spamming using /me http://gyazo.com/8e0849edd466528ea39d3b88799b8f41 http://gyazo.com/930e66dd7f488355fbfd7a9ec08aaa5d
I lost my rank on survival but I have it on every other server. Proof I have God; http://gyazo.com/cdd0172a94f414e8f4d76515464500e9 I don't have...
Bantz Hialeah (FastSex) anti kb, more hacks [media]
Bantz Hialeah & Circlings Harassment http://gyazo.com/ba7084a76b8f4847117755d5a1aacef7 http://gyazo.com/24e9d2c472e3fd369b1891b525ec394e...
Bantz Hialeah (Belts or FastSex) & Circlings Harassment. http://gyazo.com/5cb40361771b9983475a2c9d6e7c5beb...
This guy called "SlenderPvPz" is apparently claiming he isn't Sir_Waffle123 or Ninjaspretten1. This goes amazingly with my status :hilarious:...
Hey! This is a Q&A just ask me questions and I'll answer them honestly :>
Bantz Idek Advertisment Screenshot: http://gyazo.com/b1a35fa5fdbb9bfb574f2cccc2c11d42
Bantz frejkb, Legion_Hossin Telling me to tp there for a 3v3, when they Legion_Hossin wanted my head as you can see in the chat he bountied me and...
KitPvP is down D; Does anyone know why? If you know comment ;-;
When this happens to me on Mineverse ;c i cri evri tiem http://gyazo.com/9c449c493f25efe05b7b9d605dafc1c5 [media]
Mineverse's Plug.dj What is Plug.dj? Plug.dj is a website were you make an account and join communities where one person is a host of it, playing...
Hey! I'm coming up with a deal of a $17.50 rank on another server. This is allowed you can ask moderators. KitPVP 2k Sharp 5 Iron Axe...
Bantz Belts Racism/disrespect Screenshot http://gyazo.com/ed4b253cbd54d9210458c36d714eade3
Hey! I was wishing to find out why they wouldn't add /baltop to KitPvP but they add it to ArcherPvP? I find that amusing tbh, that they add it to...
Bantz lorenzo_pvp_ Advertising a server. http://gyazo.com/64d947ffa144631073932fe6d1615bcc
This is for people who mostly play KitPVP and a bit of OPPrison. In the upgrade, you may go first to upgrading me. KitPvP 21k. Sharp 5 Iron Axe...