Bantz quadg0d hacking [MEDIA]
What has the best username you've ever seen? It can be comedic, original, I was playing some casual OPPvP and find a guy called this LOL [IMG]
Hey, I was thinking of Global Moderator tags on the forums, as it's confusing about which mod is a normal mod or global, for instance, [IMG] shown...
Bantz EasyPanda Racism
Bantz Daniel9757 Rate abusing
Ok. PvP logging is seriously the most annoying thing on kitpvp, it's so frustrating and so unfair that whenever they do it they stay alive. Can we...
Bantz YoPuncake Pressure plate exploiting
the gang revolution has 0 deaths. One of their members is PPUNCH301 and has 11 deaths but when you do /gang info Revolution they have 0 deaths....
Bantz ImProvocative (TheAnthrax) Proof he's TheAnthrax: Ban evading, he's admitting he's "eongod" which was...
Hello, I do know GTA is in beta so I know there are some things that need to be fixed such as this command! Whenever people are low they just do...
Hello, title explains it all. But does anyone have proof of me as a god? Or at least mods can clarify i was a god? Someone downgraded me to...
Bantz Mastertuckerks hax [MEDIA]
Bantz @Hells Redempt Rate abuse
bantz everyone on the screenshotz I ignored YoShadow and he uses /minecraft:me to still harass me. Harassment....
Bantz ZombieZoC Auction scamming. He said do /bid 0 for a helmet. Meaning it's worth 0 Him spamming too....
Hello, recently I bought a $25 steam card and it worked but it went to SG $ (singapore's currency) and whenever I try to buy something it says...
Bantz IanSwag & CoolBoy554 Releasing personal info. (He's Orlando_The_Axe) ask cyp to check ips
Hello! Just put your ping range you get to mineverse, ^_^. On a good day I get 170-200 On a average day I get 210-240
Hello! Im making this thread for DannyBoy6997 as he wants his titan rank on all servers. Proof he's VIP;...
Bantz IamDeadly DDoS Threats/Disrespect