@R3DY246 /s (I tag/talk about him too much lmao) Anyway, I'll take a different approach, and say a few who aren't a part of this community....
Time & date?
If it's in a hacked client, or something commonly featured in a hacked client, odds are it's not allowed here. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, evidence is required. If you have a friend who may have a screenshot of your name with L or some rank, then use that for evidence.
That one can be resolved with support as well, if you have any evidence.
Fair enough. What else happens to be missing?
There's no set date to when emails are supplied, so this can take a day or a while longer. Just be patient. SInce this is resolved, would you like...
The evidence you provided was sufficient, just need to submit it to [email protected]
There's a lot of personal information that probably shouldn't be given out to the public, so I edited it for safety purposes. Just paste that and...
Then mention that in the support email ^_^
A screenshot from when you had VIP would be sufficient. If not, you should've gotten a receipt for your purchase in email. Paste that into the...
We're aware that it's stressful, but you can easily restore it with an email to support.
As @xWintur said, contact [email protected] with proof of purchase, and also mention the servers you don't have your rank.
Contact [email protected] with proof of purchase.
Alright, I'm done with waiting. Evidence is getting older, and the statue stands. @Alan_Lee123, please /p info the plot.
Muted, locking and archiving.
Merry b-day
Ugh, this thread was my baby ;-;. Closing for necropost.