Thread Locked on request. If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it. Kind...
@LeeLee Has this been resolved?
Seeing that this had been resolved (I'm 99.99% sure), archiving.
Resolved. Archiving.
Looking at other threads made here, seems this has been resolved. Archiving.
As mentioned above, you'd need some more evidence in order for action to be taken. Please submit such evidence into the report section next time....
Just a quick reminder to not post in these reports. You know who you are, folks.
Survived a day of school, good to be back after having leave early due to illness.
Gravedug, archiving.
School tomorrow :D
Ayyyyy merry birthday :>
Closing since this is resolved.
Seeing that this has likely been resolved, closing.
Moved to Donor & Donation Issues. You might get better luck using the support email, [email protected]. Remember to supply this evidence...
Alright, the evidence we needed wasn't supplied. Closing for insufficient.
Both users tempbanned. Thanks for the report.
I do, just didn't seem to notce the location. Moved to off-topic.
Shame they broke up about a year ago ;-;
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