Why do you not play skyblock if you are "IAmAndrewj"
Yes. Autism is hilarious so funny I am crying right now I think my two stepbrothers condition is hilarious
dont go man
Omg that was so mean I am going to go cry till I drown in my tears wah wah wah
Closing "favorite people" because all the sad lonely twelvies will cry that they don't get mentioned. Wow if that hurts your feelings you should...
I would give it to advertisers and mess up their server xD
Lol it is really messed up but a plugin that when you say [{OP}] (Player) it ops them but doesn't tell console
I was not asking for an anti advertising plugin just lock this apparently I need to find a forum that has people who can read
No, I am broke af irl and in game lol payment is pretty much just seeing advertisers suffer
Shrek is love
Pm me if you hate advertisers I have a jov: you must be willing to code a plugin for me
Bill Cosby you slacker[ATTACH]
All I did was waste armor points and epearls :/
Me too, read my status lmao
Sorry that I used a hacked client to battle you, Bexrs. :( Please forgive me.
support for my eminem buddy
I like shady ep