Danieldan do not rate abuse please because it is true lol.
There is information just not much.
Oh :/ xD
And what about Strength Pots whoever has them they must've cheated :/
It isn't aloud and thanks that would help :) Infact your not aloud to do that command either :)
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: EnderShadow2014 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Impersonating...
Pile msg me your Skype and i'll explain why.
We need someone to renew the anvils please. @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @MrParkourGuy
I read the whole thing and what do you know everyone doesn't agree with me but you lol.
I agree.
I don't even care anymore :L
I know we can't but they can't rely on EVERYONE to record.
I'm not saying the Mods are lazy just saying instead of spending ALL your time checking reports make a schedule one hour checking reports the...
It may be I don't lag but I do get randomly disconnected
For one I can't record for two it's not my problem to do it it's the staffs and for three when you go on other servers there will be hackers yes...
If you've read it correctly by lag he means getting disconnected by the server and losing everything.
MrParkourGuy if you go onto another server theres no hackers you come on here every player you fight is a hacker so don't speak to him like that...
The guys goes he gets full Prot IV off it
Yep that's true all the hackers of Mineverse have been banned like 10 times and say it's the first time and then get unbanned.