No proof just mentioning it.
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Ryankozloski A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Calling me a...
We need more anvils MrParkourGuy get Cyp @MrParkourGuy @Noobcrew @CypriotDerps @CypriotMerks :P
This time nobody bought it
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: ToxicBenMC A...
thank you :) also he was actually In Game at the time :P O_o
You can glitch and combat log with it.
I have contacted many people actually sorry to say this but, if I got banned for hacking I should I believe get one more chance if caught again it...
I don't appreciate having hidden content on my appeals because I want to know if he will get punished because Jonesy also pressure pad abuses but...
This is the guy who won it who should get checked too :)[ATTACH]
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Bradzone115[ATTACH] A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Selling a...
Even me i've been unbanned about 30 times no over exageration I appreciate you gave me them 30 chances but, to be honest I wouldn't prefer to stay...
Me too.
Yes but there's also too many hackers now and Mineverse is dying i'm sorry to say all the good players have took off example wafflezzzzzzz...
Because this is why i'm quitting 1: People are pretty much bullying 2: People get unbanned to easy 3: Prison has changed and isn't as good for...
It's a she and yes she is a Mod but, she has the right to leave and so do I but, to be honest I probably will not be leaving but, I just don't...
Hey guys it's OoCreeperZoO here and i'm quitting Mineverse due to some issues I may come back and you may see me on kitpvp mostly but that's all...
Yes but that means it's really boring you make a base you can relax and you can't do nothing.
On Mineverse Prison you have added factions but there's no point considering you can just lock the chests so you will get no good loot at all also...