This happens to me all the time you'll get over it also, you can't do nothing about it xD
I'm not happy Pile i'm done with this server
YES it is and I respect that but what really pisses me off is players play the game and should be able to play and have a fun time like on EVERY...
I don't care anymore whatever.
I payed for a 200 pound recording device and when I record I look at the footage and it looks like I was lagging so shut your trout
I don't care because you know that the only Moderators who know what they're doing in my opinion are/were ImKroniqL DarkChyldeone and...
Dayum calm down how about you mods stop relying on players and actually take action for yourself and search for them instead of joining servers...
Too many hackers on KitPvP it makes me sad to see Mineverse come to this we need a special Mod to go and save the day her name is PILE!
I'm getting sick of this server too MANY HACKERS HELP RACHET!!!!!
I'm not i'm talking to you and if I punch a pillow i'll end up punching my wall and won't be playing Minecraft at all lol
This is what happened I got trapped in a wall so I /! but, I was getting attacked by like 10 GUYS and then boom i'm free yeah /spawn and out of no...
I'm probably not quitting IT'S JUST SO BLOODY FRUSTRATING!
I keep saying i'm quitting but it's hard Mineverse is like my home of minecraft but i'm sick of all the hackers and IT NEEDS TO GET SORTED OUT!
And guess what also they get unbanned straight after they get caught and then unbanned again and AGAIN go ahead Mods keep unbanning I don't care...
Guys I said dis before but it's true now bye I can't have a nice time on KitPvP without getting killed by a hacker.
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Jonesy654321 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Calling me names...
Your ingame name: OoCreeperZoO The offender's ingame name: Pokemonplayer4 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Selling illegal...
Not really because your not a Mod and it's a Mods choice but I don't care if it get's closed :P