It was an accident, I did not mean to post it in public chat. I was chatting a friend. After I asked my friend to send the ip of sky's server , I...
What @ojje_123 ?
IGN: asianmaster98 Age: 10 Youtube: none Skype: none Twitch: none
Support support support support me me me me me. Me me me. Meme. Me me me. Em⛎♋⬇↘➡◀⬇➡▶⏪7⃣◀⬆⏪5⃣▶
If u want tpa at op pvp then ur a nub
Prison money?
Laugh out Loud nub colors
Its your choice to vote or not, emeralds are obtainable ingame but it is hard to find ores
You grew 3 mouths playing mineverse?
How long have you been playing mineverse 3mouth?
Support because I like the colors
Wtf razor
Keep this alive guys
Who jailed me and whats your reason? I am doing nothing wrong I automatically got jailed
Well my evidence is im going to ask someone who has the power to check the logs
How can i provide evidence i did not know that he was gonna jail me, just check the logs
Grayson tell dirty ninja the reason he jailed me