Awww, I was trying to think of something that no one has thought of :P.
I respect your feedback. I would not support me if I were you. You could find me in Survival, Skywars, Factions and HG. I'm starting to be more...
Hello there, I came to tell you about my idea! Here it goes! :D I would like to add a mini-game called The Undead vs. Mobs! The Undead team gets...
Good bye ;(
No, lol.
I respect all of your feedback :).
Thats a bump. Don't do that. It doesn't increase your chances.
I will support if you start acting more mature. Then I will totally support. But for now, No Support. Have a good day :)
You have beed promoted to Head Admin
I am not. That's your opinion. Can we just get on with our lives on the forums now? ;)
Thank you
I,m not fighting. I have posted my opinion. Now that's that. Are we done arguing?
Sorry :(
I never said that. Before that, you were just mean. I asked you "why do you hate me?" You said, "Why not :)". That hurt my feelings in a way....
Still No support. You were always mean to me and I didn't even know you.
[Survival]This is Team Kewl! What is your ign? Do you have skype? What rank are you? Do you have YouTube? Do you like cookies? Owner Punisher...
Pet names can't be longer than 32 characters. :)