I AM NOT BAN EVADING! STOP SAYING THAT! Anyways, I respect your feedback.
Support! Good luck to you my friend! ;)
No problemo! Keep up the good work and I'm sure you will get Mod. ;)
Support! Just don't ask people to get you ranks. Good luck my friend :).
Added a file for the start of the app. Now enjoy the rest :).
No problemo :). Good luck!
Thank you!
No support, add more detail then I'll support!
We are getting off topic. Lets wait till he decides.
I respect both of your feedback :).
Are you ever going to be active? If your Mod and your inactive, isn't that bad?
Oh sorry for calling you a noob. I was kinda getting mad because I couldn't find you :/. We are getting off topic :P.
You could count on me! I won't call people noobs anymore!
Hello, I'm Gohan. I wanted to know if you could restart my inventory in Creative. I have these swords that are causing me to lag real bad....
Only he could say if he wants to close. Otherwise, its a gravedig.
Ok, ill do the warp
1. Your ingame name: Punisher135709 2. The offender's ingame name: lck99 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Bad language
You and all of us are getting off topic. Now lets talk about the app more.
He said this... Is that enough evidence?
Oh and the warp is called /warp cheapshop