Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Communications The offender's exact ingame name:...
I was unbanned because it was a false banned as stated above.
First of all I would like to start off asking you to not acuse me of anything if you do not have proof as it makes me look bad. I do admit I used...
I completely understand and I am deeply sorry if it offended anyone.
I'm pretty sure we have spoken about this before or maybe it was porki either way what I said "" is not racist it's something you say to your...
To clear up everything it wasn't me who ddosed Roberts or his ingame name as Fadings. It was the clan called 600 this can be proven when speaking...
Thank you to all of you for supporting me, it's greatly appreciated.
It wouldn't let me
I just spoke to them ingame. Why wouldn't I apply on the server I enjoy playing I have been...
I have apologized numerous times by saying " Im just messibg with and such", other than some banter with friends by calling losers and ugly I'm...
I mess around with Turtle by asking them if they edate which got them to dislike me I have apologized but they won't accept it and AcePvP just has...
Thank you for your response I'm more active in game than on the fourms. I play Kitpvp and Op pvp, so that might be the reason.